The nonlinearity of dreams can sometimes get a point across more directly than reading a concept or idea in physical reality – not only does it engage more of the creative mind than the linear/rational mind, but it brings a feel/vibe with it, that sticks with you as you wake up. So even if the dream is presenting you with an idea that you’ve known in physical reality for a while, it’s doing it on multiple levels that help you really GET it, deep down.
Case in point, the dream I had the other night. I had traveled from the United States to Canada, where I had gotten a hotel room and unpacked all my things. However, as happens in dreams, I suddenly found myself back in the United States. My thought process was this: “Oh, no, I’m in the United States, and I have to get back to Canada for my stuff, but I need my passport to get across the border, which is still in my hotel room in Canada!” (Naturally, my left brain picked up on THAT conundrum, instead of asking, well, how did you get back into the United States from Canada without your passport to begin with? LOL!) Linearly, it was a no-win situation.
But right after that moment of panic, a peaceful feeling washed over me and it was like I was being told, “Focus on what you want, forget the HOW!” I actually smiled in the dream and then boom… next scene I was back in Canada where I wanted to be.
I have actually had other dreams where I’ve had to remind myself of this same thing. Dreams where I’ve showed up somewhere, done whatever I had to do, then got all bent out of shape because I forgot how to leave. If you’ve ever had a lucid dream or an OBE, you’ll know that focusing on where you want to go is all you need – no linear method is necessary.
This current dream; however, came at the perfect time to apply to my physical reality situation. Mostly as a reminder of how things worked, but the experience itself was a confidence booster showing me that I COULD really trust the message. Focus on the WHAT and forget the HOW. It was a great way to wake up, literally and figuratively.
And I can’t forget about the symbolism of the passport itself! It wasn’t the passport that allowed me to go where I wanted to go, it was my focus and intention – the power within. The passport is just window-dressing.