Interview with Rick Stack about The Secret to Healing Cancer Book

Many of you already know Rick Stack as being one of the original attendees of the Seth Classes given by Jane Roberts and Robert Butts in Elmira, New York, and as the author of Out-Of-Body Adventures, as well as the CEO of New Awareness Network and the owner of the website.

Now he’s also the editor of a book by Dr Tien-Sheng Hsu called The Secret to Healing Cancer: A Chinese Psychiatrist and Family Doctor Presents His Amazing Method For Curing Cancer Through Psychological And Spiritual Growth.

Dr Tien-Sheng Hsu is a highly respected medical doctor and psychiatrist in Taiwan who uses the Seth material as a main component of his practice. Among his many accomplishments, Dr Hsu has founded a Holistic Seth Clinic that has treated thousands of people for a variety of physical and mental illnesses and has achieved “miraculous” results by teaching people to address the real cause of illness and heal themselves using the principles presented in the Seth material. His method is based on the concept that all illness is a reflection of inner problems which disrupt the powerful immune system that is our natural state. This inner dis-ease can be described as unresolved issues, blockages, repressed emotion, habitual negative patterns of thought, or unhealthy behavior that exists in the individual’s psychology, life, and “heart”. Dr Hsu’s emphasis is on psychological and spiritual growth and on helping the individual to heal their psyche and their life. In this fashion they can reinvigorate and unleash the body’s powerful natural healing and recuperative powers. The many people who have dramatically improved or completely healed themselves with the aid of Dr Hsu, have resulted in a burgeoning interest in this approach throughout Asia. He is also the founder of the Seth Educational Foundation in Taiwan. (quoted from

If you’d like to learn more from Rick Stack about this intriguing book, you can now listen to his interview on the Conscious Talk Network.  Click here to listen to this podcast!


Placebos are Getting More Effective

Wired recently published an interesting article: Placebos are Getting More Effective. Drugmakers are Desperate to Know Why.

The parts that intrigued me the most are the differences in placebo results in varied geographical and cultural regions (differences in beliefs!), as well as the idea that conditioning people to believe in drugs via media like television commercials also contributes to the effectiveness of placebos – programming is programming, eh?

To me, all of the information points to the power of the mind, of course – any placebo is really a reason or justification that the rational mind can accept for why a condition can now change. In the article, the implications are there, just between the lines. 😉

Anyway, it’s an interesting article, especially when viewed from a reality creation / law of attraction point of view. Click here to read the entire article.

A Lucid Dreaming Web Series – Lucidity

This is what happens when you start searching the internet for interesting websites about lucid dreaming… you find things like the Lucidity Saga! An absolutely crazy, jagged, funny, grungy, funky, psychedelic, in-your-face, independently-created video series about friends led to learn lucid dreaming because they need to stop unconsciously sharing dreams with each other before the psychological damage drives them insane… even moreso. *grin*



Or, as the creators describe it:

Starting in January 2010 Lucidity is a new breed of web series. In fact it’s a Web Saga. Created not for product integration, but rather as,”An honest desire to encourage people to lucid dream and explorer alternate levels of awareness and consciousness,” expresses Creator Sean Oliver, “The dream is still a mystery. People live their lives thinking that we understand it, but the truth is we don’t, we ignore it. If we can’t accurately comprehend the dream state then perhaps some of our assumptions about normal consciousness are misguided as well. I think we should all explore that. Awake and asleep. Alive and dead.”

The entertainment industry is on the brink of evolution. The awesome unstoppable powers of the Internet coupled with modern advancements in technology have allowed creativity to finally champion economics. Produced from the pockets of the poor and made from the minds of the mildly mad, Lucidity is digital proof that you don’t need Hollywood and millions of dollars to make your dreams come true.


That’s all the warning you get from us! Now, go watch it now!  (preferrably not at work, but only because it’s loud, and you may find yourself watching it for longer than you should, and then feeling too psychedelic for that afternoon meeting.)